Why reading Current Affairs GK books is necessary for every student?

 Reading Current Affairs Books is therefore essential for every student. Because students, by repeatedly studying Math, English or other subjects, clear the concepts and topics of these subjects. But there is no Concept of Current Affairs, and there is no Topic. Because the knowledge of Current Affairs is based on Day to Day.

current affairs 2022 book
Therefore, Current Affairs is considered to be such a subject, with which students always read to be updated. Because now Current Affairs is mandatory for almost every government exam.

samanya gyan current affairs books

Why is it Important to Keep Yourself Updating With Current Affairs?

The reason why it is necessary for every student is that, even if u student of any discipline, you must know first of all, what are the general issues going on around you, like in your city, in your country and also the major issues that are affecting the world. Reading the issues gives a different perspective because when you read, you get to know the different and difficult situations, issues, this always gives you new thinking, new ideas, you become a more informed citizen. If you know issues,u would think about them, and would opine also, this is a very good mental exercise.

Secondly and importantly, you must know that what is going on around the world, in the arena of the subject you are studying. It helps you a lot to better appreciate the subject because the relevance and connection of a subject to the external world helps the student to understand the subject in a much clearer way because you also get to know the practical aspects of the subject you are studying for example — Biology, so COVID news is a total package, for economics,— the budget news or new taxes, or for commerce,— nee trades between two countries.


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